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Selasa, Juni 24, 2008

Book review

The Story of The Internet

As a concern about technology, American President, Eisonhower, announced a new organization that would control the government’s high technology work that called ARPA. ARPA was working in computing area.

In the beginning, computers were sited in some universities, acted as a stand-alone machine. They did their own work and they had different systems. But later on, the computers could talk to each other’s.

To make two computers could talk, it needed additional equipment that named IMP. IMP was a box, which stand between the different computer systems. It would translate between different networks and reduced the number of differences between them.

Internet was used at first time in 1973, which meant a network of networks.

Personal Computer (PC) was invented by Altair, but only the hardware not the software. So, to make it run, it needs software, which created by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in that time.

World wide web (www) was invented by Tim Berners-Lee. It could make electronic connection within different documents on different computers.


i am really sorry because i forgot the author's name, what a silly mistake

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