Elektro Unsyiah Society - Forum

Kamis, Februari 05, 2009

Book Review

Title : The Story of Scotland Yard

London got its first police on Sept 30,1829 which carried heavy stick and a light at night. In that time, most of policemen used the door at the back of the house and that came out in Scotland Yard.

In Scotland Yard, it had different departments that deal with different things. As mention in this book, there were 4 departments which we can see below.
Department A deals with policemen and policewomen. It was the place of the New Scotland Yard. It had police in horseback, so he could see trouble in a long way off. It had some dogs too which trained very well. They could smell drugs, looked for people and so on. Sometimes, when traffic in London became very heavy. So with its computer, it could detect and saw where the traffic lights were not working.

Department B deals with fingerprints. They were collected from people all over Britain and put them in the Police National Computer at Hendon. Only police could access them.

Department C had its own detectives which deal with very crucial thing such as murder. If police need to work with others from different countries which called Interpol. Beside that it used scientist to solve some extreme cases.

Department D had the job of finding new policemen.
The important thing is London that has floating police station and this is the only one in the world.

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