Elektro Unsyiah Society - Forum

Kamis, September 18, 2008

Free writing

A Planning

Yesterday, I asked some of my friends if they wanted to join me to Ampel. Some of them really wanted to go, but some did not. Then we planned when we were going to Ampel. We decided to go at 10 o’clock.

After took a bath, I dress up, I chose to wear t-shirt and jeans. I o went to Amir’s room, I wanted to know if Amir and his friends were ready to go. Before we left our lodging, we had to be sure that we had locked our room.

We walked to the main street. It was not so far away from our lodging. So it was not make us to sweat. We had to cross the street, but the traffic was too crowded. It was really hard to go to the other part of street. Even though it needs a big effort, we still made it.

A few minibuses passed in front of us, but no one of us stop them. The weather is getting hot and hot. We still stood up under a big green tree. Then I though if we took a taxi, it would be nice, because we would feel comfort and save. Suddenly, Amir saw a Blue bird taxi and waved his hand. So the taxi stopped just exactly in front of us. We got in the taxi and said to the driver that we want to go to Ampel. In the way to Ampel, the taxi driver told us about the history of Ampel. Wow it was very interesting, we got a lot of information that we did not find in our history books.

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